The New London Commentary on the New Testament, The Book on the Acts

Written by F. F. Bruce General Editor of the series, Ned N. Stonehouse, notes that this commentary is substantially a fresh work, drawing upon the author's extensive and mature knowledge and disclosing the sure touch of one who has learned to suit his language and style to the audience he...

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Written by F. F. Bruce

General Editor of the series, Ned N. Stonehouse, notes that this commentary is substantially a fresh work, drawing upon the author's extensive and mature knowledge and disclosing the sure touch of one who has learned to suit his language and style to the audience he has in view. Nor is the volume without its practical bent. 

Hardcover, 555 pages, USED, in very good condition and with a few markings, notes, index of persons, places and subjects, index of authors, index of Scripture references

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