The Genesis of Sex

Sexual Relationships in the First Book of the Bible Written by O. Palmer Robertson Society has virtually lost touch with the Creator's design for human sexuality. The book of Genesis-the biblical book of beginnings-supplies the kind of healthy understanding of sex needed today. One of the fullest treatments of the...

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Sexual Relationships in the First Book of the Bible

Written by O. Palmer Robertson

Society has virtually lost touch with the Creator's design for human sexuality. The book of Genesis-the biblical book of beginnings-supplies the kind of healthy understanding of sex needed today. One of the fullest treatments of the subject of sex found anywhere, Genesis describes over twenty varieties of sexual relationships.

Old Testament scholar O. Palmer Robertson draws from Genesis vital information on romance, the love-triangle, singleness, divorce, unrequited love, adultery, rape, and other matters related to human sexuality.


Drawing from a depth of understanding of Old Testament Scripture, O. Palmer Robertson opens to readers the breadth of God's design for sexual relationships and the harm that comes from the misuse of this gift. A most insightful book.--R.C. Sproul

Here, the noblest, God-given goals for our maleness and femaleness are brought together with the most frank and down-to-earth discussions of the many challenges of sexuality. Robertson lets the book of Genesis speak for itself, and thereby reveals its inexhaustible wisdom.--William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary

Paperback, 186 pages, notes, Scripture Index 

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