Calvin's Commentary, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians

Written by John Calvin A towering figure in the Reformation and prolific scholar and theologian, the author not only wrote his famous Institutes of the Christian Religion, but also commentaries on twenty-four books of the Old Testament and all of the New Testament except for 2 and 3 John and...

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Written by John Calvin

A towering figure in the Reformation and prolific scholar and theologian, the author not only wrote his famous Institutes of the Christian Religion, but also commentaries on twenty-four books of the Old Testament and all of the New Testament except for 2 and 3 John and Revelation. A classic commentary on the Old and New Testaments, complete and unabridged. Written in a clear, lucid style, it combines a profound reverence for the Bible with a rare objectivity in its exegesis.

Hardcover, USED, 1965 Eerdmans reprint edition; has indexes of Scripture, of Greek and Hebrew texts explained, (offered is just the one volume)

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