The Real Face of Atheism
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Written by Ravi Zacharias
Atheism is a world without God. Its true nature-whether disguised in Eastern mysticism or American cynicism-is despair. In this thought-provoking and insightful book, Ravi Zacharias exposes the hopelessness of atheism and explains how a worldview based on belief in God is the key to fulfillment. The Real Face of Atheism systematically examines atheistic positions on human nature, the meaning of life, morality, the "First Cause," death, and more.
"If you are looking for an answer to the greatest question of our time, here is a book that faces it head on. Ravi has intellectual integrity and spiritual perception. His illustrations bring profound concepts within reach and touch both the heart and mind."-Billy Graham
"Ravi Zacharias has a profound understanding of the intellectual struggles a person has in relating to God. I consider Dr. Zacharias one of the great Christian apologists of our time."-Josh McDowell
"Ravi Zacharias is a man singularly gifted to speak to these matters."-R. C. Sproul
"Ravi Zacharias brings with him considerable intellectual strength and theological depth. His background brings him and understanding of cultures and personal acquaintance with other religions."-Jay Kesler
"Ravi Zacharias has a keen mind, a warm heart, a fervent spirit, and a compelling style. In short, he is a great apologist."-D. Stuart Briscoe
Paperback, 185 pages, notes, Questions for Study and Discussion
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