Pocket Puritans Series, a 13-volume set
Print Booklet
1 In Stock
What did the Puritans really believe? This pocket series of 13 titles serves well as an introduction to this Reformed Christian spiritual movement which continues to attract attention throughout the English-speaking world and beyond.
‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but also in abundance.’ - Sinclair Ferguson
Titles and authors
Am I a Christian? - James Fraser
Anger Management - Richard Baxter
Binge Drinking - John Flavel
Christ is Best - Richard Sibbes
Heaven, A World of Love - Jonathan Edwards
Impure Lust - John Flavel
None but Jesus - John Flavel
Pastoral Ministry - Richard Baxter
Prayers on the Psalms - Scottish Psalter 1595
Repent and Believe - Thomas Brooks
The Tender Heart - Richard Sibbes
The Way to the True Happiness - Ralph Venning
United We Stand - Thomas Brooks
Paperback, about 60 to 88 pages ea, notes
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The Bible narrated for young adults
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The Bible narrated for young adults
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This series of five volumes (unfortunately, volume I is out of print already), assumes some knowledge of the Bible and ...
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This fifth volume in the Calvin ...
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