Christian Interpretations of Genesis 1

Written by Vern S. Poythress Several interpretations of Genesis and scientific evidence endeavor to demonstrate harmony: among them young-earth creationism, mature creation, the day-age theory, the analogical-day theory, and the framework hypothesis. Vern Poythress explores which is best.Written to equip and strengthen laypeople in their defense of the faith, Christian...

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Written by Vern S. Poythress

Several interpretations of Genesis and scientific evidence endeavor to demonstrate harmony: among them young-earth creationism, mature creation, the day-age theory, the analogical-day theory, and the framework hypothesis. Vern Poythress explores which is best.

Written to equip and strengthen laypeople in their defense of the faith, Christian Answers to Hard Questions challenges contemporary opposition to Christianity with concise, practical answers.


"Though brief, this booklet is informed, irenic and instructive. It cover all the bases in an extremely readable style, and all sides to this dialog should find it helpful. I highly recommend it." —J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, California; Author of Love Your God with All Your Mind

Paperback, 32 pages

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