The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible
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General Editor Joel R. Beeke
A Study Bible to Feed Your Soul . . .
- Thoughts for personal and family devotions for every chapter
- Three dozen articles on how to live the Christian life
- Guidance on how to experience the truths of the Bible
A Study Bible to Instruct Your Mind . . .
- Thousands of study notes with integrated cross-references
- Introductions to each section and every book of the Bible
- Classic Bible text with explanations of difficult words
- More than fifty articles on key Christian teachings
- Concordance, color maps, daily reading plan, and more!
A Study Bible to Discover Your Roots . . .
- Overview of twenty centuries of church history
- Ancient creeds, confessions, and catechisms with introductions
“Here, at last, is the study Bible that many have been waiting for! The KJV has its strengths, but, like an old ship at sea that has had its fair share of beatings from the waves of time, it has needed a few screws tightened, especially around its antiquated words. This, plus the many introductory and explanatory notes, will make those who have grown up on the KJV grateful that in this one volume they can now do almost all their primary textual and doctrinal study. This is truly an exciting development that is long overdue!” —Conrad Mbewe, pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church, Zambia
“I commend wholeheartedly The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible, edited by Joel R. Beeke and others. Indeed, I am so convinced of its usefulness that I intend to get copies for my five adult children! Its attractive layout makes it readily accessible to Bible readers who want help in understanding various texts. It also provides practical help in the struggles of the spiritual life in a fallen world. It gives you enough, but never too much. It is lucid and not verbose. It is sober and nonspeculative. What a resource it will prove for theological students and for those in the full activity of their preaching and pastoral ministries. I shall be recommending it in my classes and at ministerial conferences!” —Douglas F. Kelly, Richard Jordan Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary
“The King James Version is a wonderful translation of the Bible that ought to be familiar to Christians today, including those who regularly use some other version. For committed Scripture readers, the Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible provides a superb richness of information, not distracting us from the Word, but enabling us to hear it more clearly. To open these pages is as if we can read our Bibles each day with a group of valuable teachers sitting round us—a linguist, an exegete, a couple of theologians— biblical and systematic, a church historian, a pastor, and, to help us in applying Scripture and worshiping God, some of our family and friends. What a blessing! May our Lord be pleased to use this volume extensively—to the thankfulness of those who have given themselves to preparing this new tool, to the enrichment of many who read His Word, and above all to His purposes and glory. —Edward Donnelly, emeritus professor, Reformed Theological College, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Hardcover with jacket, 2216 pages,
Specifications: Size: 6 ½ x 9 ¼
Page Font: Bible: 9.8 pt. Minion Font
Notes Font: 8 pt. Myriad Semi-Condensed Font
All Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bibles are Smyth Sewn for lasting durability.
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