Songs for Church and Home
Print Book
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Gathered, Arranged and Translated by Leendert Kooij; Pen drawings by Cor Dral
The compiler, long-time director of the Ontario Christian Music Assembly, gathered, arranged and translated 155 mostly Dutch Hymns and Psalms in 4 part harmony for this volume, a valuable addition to every home library.
Published earlier as a smaller “50 Favorite Hymns” song book, this expanded volume has become a delight to many people who recall favorite selections in the Dutch language but also who like to sing or play them as well with their English-speaking children and grandchildren.
Organ and other instrument players will be helped with this coil-bound presentation. The books has been divided into the following sections: General, Christmas, Praise Songs, Popular Songs, Children's Songs, Psalms, Hymns & Other Songs.
Coil-bound, 264 pages, index of songs plus an index of the original Dutch titles of the translated songs