
written by David Paul Tripp 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family What is your calling as a parent? In the midst of folding laundry, coordinating carpool schedules, and breaking up fights, many parents get lost. Feeling pressure to do everything “right” and raise up “good” children, it’s...

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written by David Paul Tripp

14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

What is your calling as a parent? In the midst of folding laundry, coordinating carpool schedules, and breaking up fights, many parents get lost. Feeling pressure to do everything “right” and raise up “good” children, it’s easy to lose sight of our ultimate purpose as parents in the quest for practical tips and guaranteed formulas. In this life-giving book, Paul Tripp offers parents much more than a to-do list. Instead, he presents us with a big-picture view of God’s plan for us as parents.

Outlining fourteen foundational principles centered on the gospel, he shows that we need more than the latest parenting strategy or list of techniques. Rather, we need the rescuing grace of God—grace that has the power to shape how we view everything we do as parents. Freed from the burden of trying to manufacture life-change in our children’s hearts, we can embrace a grand perspective of parenting overflowing with vision, purpose, and joy.


"Paul Tripp constantly turns us back to the life-giving power of the gospel and God's unfailing grace. Parenting our children is one of life's greatest challenges, and Paul points us to the one thing that can make a difference—a genuine encounter with the living God." TobyMac, hip hop recording artist; music producer; songwriter

"Simply put, I read everything that Paul Tripp writes. I can’t afford to miss one word." Ann Voskamp, New York Times best-selling author, One Thousand Gifts

"This is the most meaningful book I have read all year. It is both theological and practical, a rare combination for a parenting book. For years, people have asked me to write a book on parenting. After reading this, I am convinced that I could never write one better than this. I’m so glad I read this, but I wish I could have read it twenty years ago. After reading Parenting, I was torn. Part of me wanted to sit, cry, and confess all of my failures as a parent. The other part wanted to scream with excitement for the tremendous insight I now have to be a better parent." Francis Chan, New York Times best-selling author, Crazy Love and Forgotten God

Hardcover with jacket, 232 pages, General Index, Scripture Index

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