Abingdon's Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

Compiled by James H. Strong This exhaustive concordance of the Bible, with key-word comparison of selected words and phrases in the King James Version with five leading translations (RSV, NEB, JB, NAS, and NIV). This volume features the main concordance (pages through 1218), an appendix, giving the occurrences of the...

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Compiled by James H. Strong

This exhaustive concordance of the Bible, with key-word comparison of selected words and phrases in the King James Version with five leading translations (RSV, NEB, JB, NAS, and NIV). This volume features the main concordance (pages through 1218), an appendix, giving the occurrences of the forty-seven words cited by reference only (pages 1221-1340), key-word comparison (227 pages), Dictionary of the words in the Hebrew Bible (127 pages), A Concise Dictionary of the words in the Greek Testament (79 pages).

Hardcover, 1773 pages, PRE-OWNED and in good condition  

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