The Klaas Schilder Reader
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The Essential Theological Writings
Written by Klaas Schilder (Author), George Harinck, Marinus de Jong & Richard Mouw (Editors)
Recovering a forgotten theologian. Klaas Schilder (1890–1952) was a prominent Dutch Reformed theologian in the early twentieth century, first as a pastor and then as a professor. While his fame spread to North America in the 1940s, he is mostly forgotten today. In Schilder Reader: The Essential Theological Writings, readers will rediscover this important Dutch theologian.
Working in the tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck, Schilder applies Dutch Neo--Calvinism to the twentieth century. This includes secularism, the rise and influence of Karl Barth, opposition to Nazism, and the relation between the church and society. Schilder Reader contextualizes his work and furthers the neo--Calvinist tradition.
I have come to value Klaas Schilder as the 'loyal opposition' that Neo-Calvinism so desperately needs. His prophetic voice reminds the Reformed tradition that our cultural endeavors must be cruciform--that our 'kingdom' endeavors are in the service of a King who bears scars. This reader is an excellent opportunity for Schilder's voice to be heard more widely. --James K. A. Smith, professor of philosophy, Gary and Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology and Worldview, Calvin University, Grand Rapids
In recent years, and thanks to a growing army of translators, the once-mysterious world of Dutch Reformed theology has been opened up to an international audience. In that world of careful thought, incisive polemics, and spirited conversation, few have embodied the drama of Dutch doctrine like Klaas Schilder, a theologian whose work animated the life of a distinct branch of the Dutch Reformed tradition for decades. In his own day, the import of Schilder's thought was unbearably clear to some, and clearly unbearable to others. He was not easily ignored--something his international readership will soon discover for themselves. For that, we owe those responsible for this book a great debt of gratitude. --James Eglinton, Meldrum Senior Lecturer in Reformed Theology, University of Edinburgh
This book represents a landmark moment for Reformed theology in the English-speaking world. The editors have uncovered a wealth of powerful essays from the desk of Klaas Schilder on faith and politics, church and culture, revelation and reason, discipleship and war. Through it all, the sharp, forceful, and poetically rich voice of Schilder shines through the translation. Here you will find a theology for the trenches of life. Composed amidst the chaos of World Wars I and II, these essays capture the stakes (and urgency) of faithful Christian living in a world turned upside-down. --Matthew Kaemingk, chair and executive director, Richard John Mouw Institute of Faith and Public Life
Amidst the astonishing resurgence of Dutch Neo-Calvinism in the English speaking world, one regularly comes across references to Klaas Schilder. But who was Schilder and why is his voice so important amidst the rich tapestry of Neo-Calvinist writings? This book provides the answers to such questions. It is a wonderful guide to Schilder's life and writings, and its primary sources will prove indispensable as we continue to wrestle in depth with the relevance of Neo-Calvinism for today. --Craig G. Bartholomew, director, Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Amidst the global revival of Dutch Neo-Calvinism, the critical and creative voice of Klaas Schilder deserves to be heard. This rich selection from his writings gives to the English speaking audience an opportunity to taste the salty and spicy dishes Schilder was serving to the world and to the church, often giving a surprising twist to the recipes from the old Reformed cookbook. --Dolf te Velde, associate professor of Systematic Theology Theological University Kampen-Utrecht
Hardcover with jacket, 560 pages, notes, bibliography, Subject Index, Person Index
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