ESV Bible, Large Print Personal Size, TrueTone Black

TrueTone BlackThe ESV Large Print Personal Size Bible features highly readable Bible text in a convenient format. Combining 12-point type with line-matching and quality materials, this edition ensures that God’s Word will remain readable regardless of length of use. The Large Print Personal Size Bible is perfect for all who...

Print Book

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TrueTone Black

The ESV Large Print Personal Size Bible features highly readable Bible text in a convenient format. Combining 12-point type with line-matching and quality materials, this edition ensures that God’s Word will remain readable regardless of length of use. The Large Print Personal Size Bible is perfect for all who want a highly readable and portable Bible that they can use in any setting.

Concordance with nearly 10,000 references

Full-colour maps
Ribbon marker
Smyth-sewn binding
Packaging: slipcase
Product Details

Format: TrueTone Black
Type Size: 11.00
Page Layout: Double Column
Page Count: 1,300
Size: 9.5 in x 6.75 in