Guard Your Heart, For it is the Wellspring of Life

366 Daily Devotionals Written by David Meengs Mindful of Proverbs 4:23 (the source of this book's title), the author in his second devotional seeks to help focus his readers on Scripture to guide them in meeting every day challenges. This devotional is his second in a series of three. "Bind...

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366 Daily Devotionals

Written by David Meengs

Mindful of Proverbs 4:23 (the source of this book's title), the author in his second devotional seeks to help focus his readers on Scripture to guide them in meeting every day challenges.

This devotional is his second in a series of three. "Bind Them Upon Your Heart Forever" and "Bible Characters, the great and not so great" are the other two.

Paperback, 390 pages, a monthly illustration, index of monthly subjects with texts.

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