God's Unfolding Promise

From Shadows to SONlight Life in Christ series Written by Laurie Vanden Heuvel A 25-lesson course that traces God’s covenant history of redemption from Genesis through Revelation, created for Intermediate (Grades 5 and 6). The author appeals to Chapter 6 of the Bible book of Deuteronomy, where Israel was gathered to hear...

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From Shadows to SONlight

Life in Christ series

Written by Laurie Vanden Heuvel

A 25-lesson course that traces God’s covenant history of redemption from Genesis through Revelation, created for Intermediate (Grades 5 and 6). The author appeals to Chapter 6 of the Bible book of Deuteronomy, where Israel was gathered to hear the Ten Commandments given them that day, “…to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when lie down and when you get up….” Reformed Christians will understand that this covenant perspective applies from early youth to seminary and to all stages of life. This volume examines segments of the Bible, verses, chapters, doctrines and books, all within the framework of God’s total self-revelation in His Word. This volume of the Life in Christ series could be helpful too to introduce newcomers to the Christian faith.

Paperback, 216 pages, Binding Spiral, letter size format, illustrated, work book with questions and assignments to complete, memory work includes Scripture passages, questions and answers of the Heidelberg Catechism and the Westminster Shorter Catechism

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