War Psalms of the Prince of Peace

Lessons from the Imprecatory Psalms Written by James E. Adams The Psalms are a heritage of the Lord. Many people cite passages from the Psalms as words of encouragement in times of difficulty and despair. Frequently, the Psalms are quoted on bulletins for funeral services and used for personal devotions....

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Lessons from the Imprecatory Psalms

Written by James E. Adams

The Psalms are a heritage of the Lord. Many people cite passages from the Psalms as words of encouragement in times of difficulty and despair. Frequently, the Psalms are quoted on bulletins for funeral services and used for personal devotions. Yet, the Psalms also trouble many people, leading to very selective readings. In this highly praised book, the author draws attention to these imprecatory verses and looks at the puzzles these particular Psalms present, searches for their origin and who actually is praying them. He sees the Lord as the instigator, looks at how they are quoted in the New Testament, and weighs how the Psalms can be used, prayed, and preached. The book is an excellent tool as well for group study with each chapter ending with questions. The appendices provide much additional information, including sermon suggestions, an index to the Imprecatory Psalms, and New Testament references. Read this book and know why the Psalms ought to be sung and prayed.

Paperback, 164 pages, Ideal for study groups, questions for discussion follow each chapter; Appendixes on: 1) The Christian's Duty Toward His Enemies, 2) Two Sermon Summaries, 3) The Messianic Cup of Wrath and Joy, 4) Index to Psalm Imprecations, 5) New Testament References to the Psalms; Notes, Bibliography

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