Children of the Promise

The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism Written by Robert R. Booth In his ten-year ministry, the author had put off studying the topic of baptism. Then the Baptist pastor felt his heart sink as he began to see how Scripture challenged his long-held beliefs. What would prompt him to change...

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The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism

Written by Robert R. Booth

In his ten-year ministry, the author had put off studying the topic of baptism.

Then the Baptist pastor felt his heart sink as he began to see how Scripture challenged his long-held beliefs. What would prompt him to change his views—and find great encouragement in the doctrine of infant baptism? Are there good biblical reasons to baptize the children of believers? What does the Bible say about your children? Robert R. Booth answers these questions by carefully unveiling the covenant promises of God to Christian parents and their households.


“Excellent. . . . the most helpful discussion I have seen for the general reader. . . . Because of his own theological transformation [Booth] writes in a way that will be particularly insightful and helpful to others.” —Greg L. Bahnsen

“Randy’s writing is cogent, irenic, and proceeds from the basic issues. Such a book will be a great benefit to the church of Christ.” —Douglas Wilson

Paperback, 208 pages, notes, Index of Scripture

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